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Location Factors in German

Due to its central location at the heart of Europe, Germany is an attractive economic and investment site. Foreign investors are given a good opportunity to develop new markets in Europe by this central location.

German quality is valued not only in Europe, but around the world; “Made in Germany” is a quality seal that has turned Germany into one of the most important economic sites on the global market. Strong and stable economic growth has made Germany the leading economy in Europe and one of the largest in the world.

Germany is the largest export nation in Europe; world-wide, it is only surpassed by “export world champion” China. Foreign trade holds a central position and covers more than 20 % of all employees. The main export products are cars, machines, chemical products and other heavy electronic devices.

The quality seal “Made in Germany” requires many important factors. In addition to the well-developed educational system, social peace, high legal security and liberal foreign trade also play a decisive role. The excellent infrastructure with its wide-spread traffic and telecommunications network forms another basis for success. Compliance with deadlines, high quality standards and top labour productivity are also important.

Machinery and plant engineering is a flagship industry in Germany. The greatest work sector is the service sector. This area has many employees in traffic and logistics, tourism, health and social services, financial and real estate management. In the area of innovative technologies, such as environmental technology, Germany holds top positions as well. Its global link between economy and research enables Germany to persist as a highly developed business location and to strengthen and further develop its top position in the future.